The Chiefs

After years of traveling to New Mexico I started painting Native American symbols and using Native American colors n my paintings. I really love the culture and learning about it over the years. A dear friend and therapist was teaching a dream course invited me to attend. At the end of the first class, we were asked to keep a dream journal so we could bring a dream to class to analyze. The dream I brought to class was, I was called to a council of American Indian Chiefs who were seated in a circle. I just saw the Chiefs with the background all black. I stood back from the circle; the Chiefs began to speak they asked me to paint 12 Chiefs in full regalia with baron landscape paintings hung in between representing what had happened to their culture over the last 200 years. After recounting my dream our instructor was quiet for a moment then said, “Vicki, some dreams are to be taken literally.”

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36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Fancy Dancer, Back

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Last Horse, Sioux

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Black Bear, Sioux

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Ed Crazy Horse, Omaha

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Concurring Bear, Sioux

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Rocky Bear, Sioux

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Black Eagle, Crow

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Chief Sitting Bull, Sioux

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas

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Fancy Dancer

36”x 48”, Acrylic on Canvas